We need the installer program to help us create a bootable installer, so it's important that you not let the installer run. If you allow the installer to perform the installation, the installer will delete itself at the end of the process. Once the download is complete, the installer will start automatically. Download the installer from the Apple website. You'll need a copy of the El Capitan installer.
The other method is less involved, has fewer places where things can go wrong, and only involves a single app: Terminal. The older OS used in that guide will still work for El Capitan. One involves Disk UtilityFinder, hidden filesand a great deal of time and effort. There are two ways create the bootable installer. El Capitan is no longer available in the App store for download, but you can find a free download link on the Apple website. Having your own copy of El Capitan on a separate device ensures that you'll always be able to install or reinstall it. A bootable installer for macOS El Capitan is a good idea even if your plan is to perform an upgrade install.
This may include backing up your data or making a bootable version of the El Capitan installer on a USB flash drive.
But for a lot of users, there's a bit of housekeeping that needs to be done before installing the new OS. Like previous versions of macOS, El Capitan This is fine if you want to quickly install the new OS to replace an existing one.